Ponder This

Welcome to our monthly puzzles.
You are cordially invited to match wits with some of the best minds in IBM Research.

Seems some of us can't see a problem without wanting to take a crack at solving it. Does that sound like you?

Good. Forge ahead and ponder this month's problem. We'll post a new one every month, and allow a month for you to submit solutions (we may even publish submitted answers, especially if they're correct).

And now... here's our
March 2025 challenge!

Here is the solution for our Feb. 2025 problem

We usually won't reply individually to submitted solutions but every few days we will update a list of people who answered correctly. At the beginning of the next month, we'll post the answer.

So give your mind a break from its routine---you never know what other problems you may solve in the process!


Hosted by
IBM Research - Israel

Find out more


The current puzzlemaster of Ponder This is Gadi Aleksandrowicz. Previous puzzlemasters include Oded Margalit (2007-2020), James Shearer (2005-2009), and Don Coppersmith (1998-2005).


Ponder This Top 52 SolversList Updated: June 20th 2024

