November 2015

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SON*SON=WATSON was suggested by many; another common variation was ON*ON*ON*ON=WATSON; but Matthew Rips suggested SON^O=WATSON and Eitan Levine suggested N^O^W=WATSON

Here are a few more solutions:
A*TOAST-TO=WATSON (Chris Shannon)
SO*WANT=WATSON (Alan Murray, Johnny Waltos)
(TO+A)*TOWN=WATSON (Derrick Liu)
SON*NOT*A+SWAN=WATSON (Luka Zaplotnik)
STATS+A*TON*WOW=WATSON (Matthias Bussas)
ANTS*ON=WATSON (Gregory Giecold)
SANTA + SAW + SON + WANTS + SONATA + AS = WATSON (Kang Jin Cho - thanks for the lovely pictures)

Some gave a solution too long to repeat, like On+ON+...(98761 times)...+ON=WATSON (Kevin Petrychyn)
Don Dodson also sent us an exercise where WATSON=123456: TWAS*NOW-SOWN SAT=WATSON
Andrew Breadmore suggested an acrostic solution: WON+AT*TWO*SO+OWN+NOW = WATSON
Kipp Johnson suggested a nice exercise: NANOWATT mod SONATA = WATSON