July 2015

<<June July August>>

We decided to present Bart De Vylder's solution:

000000 004635 040562 065023 036204 052340
005364 000000 500641 306015 604103 401530
060245 600514 000000 250061 410602 540120
056032 501063 610025 000000 362001 235010
042603 406301 260104 631002 000000 314200
034520 305140 450210 512030 241300 000000

His function is defined based on a subgroup of order 120 of the symmetric permutation group S_6. This subgroup is generated by the permutations (1 2 4 6 3 5) and (2 4 6 5 3 1). The actual function f looks up its three arguments as the first three digits within this subgroup which will uniquely determine an element, and the function returns the fourth digit of that element.

For example, f(4,5,2) = 6 because (4 5 2 6 3 1) is the (only) element of the subgroup starting with 4,5,2.