IBM Research | Ponder This | August 2001 solutions
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August 2001

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Suppose that not all points are collinear. Then find three

non-collinear points (a,b,o) in S such that the distance between o and
the line spanned by ab is minimal. (By minimal I mean that no other
triple (a',b',o') in S can achieve a smaller, strictly positive,
distance.) Note that minimality is actually achieved since S is

By our assumption on S, there is a third point in S that lies on the
ab line, call it c. Project o onto the abc line, yielding point e.
(So e lies on abc, and oe is perpendicular to abc.) Clearly at least
two of {a,b,c} lie on the same side of e, so without loss of
generality assume that the points come in the following order: a, b,
e, c. If you draw this, you will immediately see that the triple
(a,o,b) achieves a strictly smaller distance than (a,b,o),
contradicting our earlier assumption.

A large number of readers have suggested proofs by induction. Here's why these don't work.
Let Q(S) be the statement: "For two points x,y in S there is a third point z in S collinear with x,y".
Let P(k) be the statement, "For any set S with k points which satisfies Q(S), we know S must be collinear."
An inductive proof would say "P(3) is trivially true; if P(k-1) is true then P(k) is true." But this sort of proof won't work here.
Suppose we know P(k-1) and are trying to prove P(k).
We have a set S with k points which satisfies Q(S), and want to show that S is collinear.
How are we going to apply P(k-1)? What set S' of k-1 elements satisfies Q(S')?
If we just let S' be S with one element thrown away, then we don't know that it satisfies Q(S'), because given two points x,y in S', the third point z in S which is guaranteed by Q(S) might not lie in S'.
So we have no set S' upon which to apply the inductive hypothesis, and no way to do the induction.

If you have any problems you think we might enjoy, please send them in. All replies should be sent to: