IBM Research | Ponder This | March 2009 challenges
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Ponder This

March 2009

<<February March April>>

Ponder This Challenge:

Because February's challenge was very difficult, we postponed the submission deadline by a month and we'll post the solution on April 1st. In the meantime, here is a more straightforward challenge:

There are several simultaneous solutions for the following two exercises (the second is a 90-degree rotation of the first):

  a b c      g d a
+         +
  d e f      h e b   
  =====      ===== 
  g h i      i f c

One of them is

5 8|3
1 4|6
7 2|9

Our challenge is to find a similar exercise in hexadecimal.

One can prove that a 4x4 is insolvable, so we added a few zeros and ask you to fit all 15 nonzero hexadecimal digits in

  abcde       mjfa
+ fghi0       nkgb
  jk00l     + 00hc 
  =====       00id
  mn00o       ====

We will post the names of those who submit a correct, original solution! If you don't want your name posted then please include such a statement in your submission!

We invite visitors to our website to submit an elegant solution. Send your submission to the

If you have any problems you think we might enjoy, please send them in. All replies should be sent to:


Challenge: 02/27/2009 @ 03:30 PM EST
Solution: 04/01/2009 @ 09:00 AM EST
List Updated: 03/24/2009 @ 01:00 PM EST

People who answered correctly:

Gary M. Gerken (02/28/2009 12:51 AM EDT)
Peter Mattsson (02/28/2009 01:42 PM EDT)
Ioan Marius Popdan (02/28/2009 08:26 PM EDT)
Sangxia Huang (03/01/2009 03:19 AM EDT)
Al Zimmermann (03/01/2009 05:53 AM EDT)
Are Hjørungnes (03/01/2009 07:20 AM EDT)
John G. Fletcher (03/01/2009 06:22 PM EDT)
Balakrishnan V (03/01/2009 06:38 PM EDT)
Oscar Portela (03/01/2009 07:15 PM EDT)
Nyles Heise (03/01/2009 09:10 PM EDT)
Bernardino Romera Paredes (03/01/2009 09:27 PM EDT)
John T. Robinson (03/01/2009 11:17 PM EDT)
Steven Langerwerf (03/01/2009 12:58 PM EDT)
Amos Guler (03/01/2009 03:48 PM EDT)
Andreas Eisele (03/02/2009 12:33 AM EDT)
Michael Brand (03/02/2009 04:47 AM EDT)
Fabio Filatrella (03/02/2009 05:41 AM EDT)
Vladimir Sedach (03/02/2009 08:15 AM EDT)
Albert Stadler (03/02/2009 08:56 AM EDT)
Chris Lomont (03/02/2009 01:27 PM EDT)
Arthur Breitman (03/02/2009 01:43 PM EDT)
Dan Dima (03/02/2009 03:43 PM EDT)
Adam Daire (03/02/2009 05:00 PM EDT)
Dan Wood (03/02/2009 08:45 PM EDT)
Thomas Buchholz (03/02/2009 08:50 PM EDT)
Mauro Bampo (03/03/2009 10:28 AM EDT)
Dmitry Litvinenko (03/03/2009 11:40 AM EDT)
Fred Schalekamp (03/03/2009 11:40 AM EDT)
Igor Malashkin (03/03/2009 03:42 PM EDT)
Ashutosh Mehra (03/03/2009 12:54 PM EDT)
Harold Gutch (03/03/2009 05:42 PM EDT)
Chris Shannon (03/03/2009 06:15 PM EDT)
Don Dodson (03/03/2009 06:27 PM EDT)
Clive Tong (03/04/2009 06:19 AM EDT)
Muralidhar Seshadri (03/04/2009 06:12 PM EDT)
Tom Sirgedas (03/04/2009 08:22 PM EDT)
Jesse Kolman (03/05/2009 01:20 AM EDT)
Steffen Wolf (03/05/2009 11:09 AM EDT)
Bobby Brennan (03/05/2009 12:36 PM EDT)
Kalyana Chakravarthy (03/06/2009 01:15 AM EDT)
Michael Liepelt (03/06/2009 12:43 PM EDT)
Yuho Chu (03/06/2009 11:39 PM EDT)
David Hentrich (03/07/2009 06:33 PM EDT)
Michael Wegener (03/08/2009 05:36 PM EDT)
Tim Nordenfur (03/08/2009 08:15 PM EDT)
Guy Tannenbaum (03/09/2009 03:49 AM EDT)
Muharrem Görkem (03/09/2009 06:45 PM EDT)
Greg Janee (03/10/2009 12:04 AM EDT)
Benjamin Bachmann (03/10/2009 11:27 AM EDT)
Travis Meyer (03/10/2009 08:58 PM EDT)
Bradley Wild (03/11/2009 11:26 AM EDT)
Alex Taylor (03/11/2009 01:25 PM EDT)
David Friedman (03/11/2009 03:02 PM EDT)
Neil Smeby (03/11/2009 07:25 PM EDT)
Daniel Chong Jyh Tar (03/12/2009 12:50 AM EDT)
Michael van Fondern (03/12/2009 03:43 AM EDT)
Jochen Klein (03/13/2009 07:41 AM EDT)
Mark Buisseret (03/14/2009 05:53 PM EDT)
Bojan Basic (03/14/2009 06:35 PM EDT)
Nagendra Gulur Dwarakanath (03/16/2009 10:34 AM EDT)
Kin Keung Ma (03/16/2009 10:25 PM EDT)
Boris Nikolaus (03/17/2009 07:17 PM EDT)
Gaurav Raizada and Sourabh Agrawal (03/18/2009 10:16 AM EDT)
Nick Miller (03/20/2009 01:45 PM EDT)
Raj Mohan (03/22/2009 01:45 AM EDT)
Daniel Bitin (03/22/2009 10:42 AM EDT)
Nagy Zoltan (03/22/2009 08:42 PM EDT)
Samuel Schwager (03/23/2009 11:57 AM EDT)
Mihai Cioc (03/23/2009 07:30 PM EDT)
Adriana Clerici (03/26/2009 01:23 PM EDT)
Bob DiMarco (03/26/2009 02:57 PM EDT)
Pritpal Ahuja (03/27/2009 11:53 AM EDT)
Siva Dirisala (03/27/2009 09:45 PM EDT)
Francois Galilee (03/28/2009 09:05 AM EDT)
Wei Shi (03/29/2009 03:45 AM EDT)
Stéphane Higueret (03/30/2009 08:38 AM EDT)

Attention: If your name is posted here and you wish it removed please send email to the