IBM Research | Ponder This | May 2002 challenges
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Ponder This

May 2002

<<April May June>>

Ponder This Challenge:

In the plane, call a point a "lattice point" if both its coordinates are integers, so that (2,-3) is a lattice point but (1,3.5) is not. A "circle" is the curve, not the 2-dimensional figure enclosed in that curve; it is described by giving its radius and the coordinates of its center.

Part 1:
Describe a circle in the plane which passes through exactly seven lattice points.

Part 2:
Find such a circle with minimum radius.

Part 3:
Find (up to symmetries) all such circles with radius less than 50.

Unfortunately we won't be able to respond to answers to parts 2 and 3 this time.

We will post the names of those who submit a correct, original solution! If you don't want your name posted then please include such a statement in your submission!

We invite visitors to our website to submit an elegant solution. Send your submission to the

If you have any problems you think we might enjoy, please send them in. All replies should be sent to:


Challenge: 05/01/2002 @ 9:00 AM EST
Solution: 05/31/2002 @ 3:00 PM EST
List Updated: 06/10/2002 @10:00AM EST

People who answered correctly:

Part 1 Correct
Graeme McRae (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Vitaly Stakhovsky (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Chuck Carroll (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Arjun Viswanathan (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Truman Ng (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Stephen Oman (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Claudio Baiocchi (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Keith Peters (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Jim Boyce (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Kennedy (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
David H. Jones (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Vladimir Sedach (5.3.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Christof Schmalenbach (5.3.2002 @ 12:00 PM EDT)
Vince Lynch (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Philippe Fondanaiche (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Paul P. Gardner (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Hassan Masum (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Lou Cairoli (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Dave Wood (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Jacques Willekens (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Nancy Schwarzkopf (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Ignacio Larrosa Canestro (5.6.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Samantha Levin (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Al Zimmermann (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Dipankar Das (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Manish Kumar Singh (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Roy Murphy (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Srinath Anantharaju (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Mike Meehan (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Alan O' Donnell (5.7.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)
Chandrashekar Shankar (5.8.2002 @ 11:00 AM EDT)
Bill Schwennicke (5.8.2002 @ 11:00 AM EDT)
Christopher Howe (5.9.2002 @ 2:00 PM EDT)
Francis Golding (5.9.2002 @ 2:00 PM EDT)
John G. Fletcher (5.9.2002 @ 2:00 PM EDT)
Hajo Luers (5.13.2002 @ 10:00AM EDT)
Mitchell Kaplan (5.13.2002 @ 10:00AM EDT)
Gaurav Saxena (5.13.2002 @ 10:00AM EDT)
Mihai Cioc (5.21.2002 @ 12:00PM EDT)
Dave Biggar (5.21.2002 @ 12:00PM EDT)
Adam C. Madkour (5.28.2002 @ 10:00AM EDT)
Manikandan. B.J. (5.28.2002 @ 11:00AM EDT)
Fred Henle (5.29.2002 @ 11:45AM EDT)
Joaquim carrapa (5.29.2002 @ 11:45AM EDT)
Thomas Russo (5.30.2002 @ 4:00PM EDT)
Ricardas Svarplis (5.30.2002 @ 4:00PM EDT)
John vanRyneveld (6.03.2002 @ 3:00PM EDT)

Part 2 Correct
Hajo Luers (5.14.2002 @ 5:00PM EDT)
Mihai Cioc (5.21.2002 @ 12:00PM EDT)
Fred Henle (5.29.2002 @ 11:45AM EDT)
Joaquim carrapa (5.29.2002 @ 11:45AM EDT)
Ricardas Svarplis (5.30.2002 @ 4:00PM EDT)
Al Zimmermann (6.10.2002 @ 10:00 AM EDT)

Part 3 Correct
Hajo Luers (5.14.2002 @ 5:00PM EDT)
Mihai Cioc (5.21.2002 @ 12:00PM EDT)
Fred Henle (5.29.2002 @ 11:45AM EDT)
Ricardas Svarplis (5.30.2002 @ 4:00PM EDT)

Attention: If your name is posted here and you wish it removed please send email to the