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Proceedings publication: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science ![]() |
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Haifa Verification Conference 2007IBM Haifa Labs ![]()
09:00 Registration 09:15 Opening Remarks, Oded Cohn, IBM Haifa Research Lab Keynote Talk 09:45 Microprocessor Verification Challenges, Bob Bentley, Intel Corporation 10:45 Break Session I: Hardware Verification 11:15 Invited talk: Out of Steam? - From "Hardware Verification Crisis" to "Crisis of Verification", Wolfgang Roesner, IBM Austin (Presentation - 4,048 KB) 12:00 On the Characterization of Until as a Fixed Point Under Clocked Semantics, Dana Fisman (Presentation - 5,768 KB) 12:30 Reactivity in SystemC Transaction-Level Models, Frederic Doucet, R.K. Shyamasundar, Ingolf H. Krueger, Saurabh Joshi, and Rajesh K. Gupta (Presentation - 362 KB) 13:00 Lunch Session II: Model Checking 14:15 Verifying Parameterised Hardware Designs via Counter Automata, Ales Smrčka and Tomas Vojnar (Presentation - 323 KB) 14:45 How Fast and Fat is your Probabilistic Model Checker?, David N. Jansen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Marcel Oldenkamp, Mariëlle Stoelinga, and Ivan Zapreev (Presentation - 3,691 KB) 15:15 Break Session III: Dynamic Hardware Verification 15:45 Constraint Patterns and Search Procedures for CP-Based Random Test Generation, Anna Moss 16:15 Using Virtual Coverage to Hit Hard-To-Reach Events, Laurent Fournier and Avi Ziv (Presentation - 435 KB) 16:45 Cocktail party
Session I: HVC Award 09:15 Best Paper and HVC Award Presentations 09:30 HVC Award Winner: Symbolic Execution and Model Checking for Testing, Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames Research Center (Presentation - 2,967 KB) 10:30 Speed Networking Session Session II: Merging Formal and Testing 11:15 Invited talk: Simulation vs. Formal: Absorb What is Useful; Reject What is Useless The Bruce Lee Approach to Verification, Alan Hu, Univ. of British Columbia (Presentation - 581 KB) 12:00 Test Case Generation for Ultimately Periodic Paths, Saddek Bensalem, Doron Peled, Hongyang Qu, Stavros Tripakis, and Lenore Zuck (Presentation - 1,369 KB) 12:30 Dynamic Testing via Automata Learning, Harald Raffelt, Bernhard Steffen, and Tiziana Margaria 13:00 Lunch Session III: Large Systems Verification 14:15 Invited talk: Scaling Commercial Verification to Larger Systems, Robert Kurshan, Cadence (Presentation - 2,702 KB) 15:30 Excursion
Keynote Talk 09:30 From Hardware Verification to Software Verification: Re-use and Re-learn, Aarti Gupta, NEC Labs America (Presentation - 861 KB) 10:30 Break Session I: Formal Verification for Software 11:00 On the Architecture of System Verification Environments, Mark A. Hillebrand and Wolfgang J. Paul (Presentation - 870 KB) 11:30 Exploiting Shared Structure in Software Verification Conditions, Domagoj Babic and Alan J. Hu (Presentation - 126 KB) 12:00 Delayed Nondeterminism in Model Checking Embedded Systems Assembly Code, Thomas Noll and Bastian Schlich (Presentation - 442 KB) 12:30 A Complete Bounded Model Checking Algorithm for Pushdown Systems, Gerard Basler, Daniel Kroening, and Georg Weissenbacher (Presentation - 1,102 KB) 13:00 Lunch Session II: Software Bugs 14:15 Invited talk: Where Do Bugs Come From?, Andreas Zeller, Saarland University (Presentation - 20,496 KB) 15:15 Locating Regression Bugs, Dor Nir, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, and Amiram Yehudai (Presentation - 1,491 KB) 15:45 Break Session III: Software Testing 16:15 The Advantages of Post-link Code Coverage, Orna Raz, Moshe Klausner, Nitzan Peleg, Gad Haber, Eitan Farchi, Shachar Fienblit, Yakov Filiarsky, Shay Gammer, and Sergey Novikov (Presentation - 1,093 KB) 16:45 GenUTest: A Unit Test and Mock Aspect Generation Tool, Benny Pasternak, Shmuel Tyszberowicz, and Amiram Yehudai (Presentation - 245 KB) 17:15 Closing Remarks |