IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
How quantum computers could help design airplanesCase studyRafi Letzter27 Jun 2023Quantum NetworkQuantum Use Cases
Why we need EUV lithography for the future of chipsExplainerMike Murphy26 Jun 2023Design and EnablementIntelligent FabSemiconductors
AI Privacy Toolkit gets a boost on dataset assessment in latest releaseTechnical noteMaya Anderson and Abigail Goldsteen16 Jun 2023AI PrivacySecurity
A new paper from IBM and UC Berkeley shows a path toward useful quantum computingResearchRyan Mandelbaum14 Jun 2023Quantum Error Correction & MitigationQuantum Research
AI diffusion models can be tricked into generating manipulated imagesNewsKim Martineau05 Jun 2023AIAI TestingData and AI SecurityFoundation ModelsGenerative AISecurity
IBM Research unveils hybrid bonding for packaging chipsNewsMike Murphy31 May 2023ChipletsDesign and EnablementSemiconductors
A foundational approach to quantum at Qiskit Global Summer School 2023NewsOlivia Lanes and John Watrous24 May 2023QiskitQuantum CommunityQuantum Enablement
Charting the course to 100,000 qubitsNewsJay Gambetta and Matthias Steffen21 May 2023Quantum NetworkQuantum ResearchQuantum Systems
Everything IBM Research showed off at Think 2023NewsMike Murphy and Kim Martineau19 May 2023AIQuantum Safe
How Intel oneAPI tools are accelerating IBM's Watson Natural Language Processing LibraryTechnical noteStephanie Kuan, Deb Bharadwaj, Preethi Venkatesh, Shankar Ratneshwaran, and Waleed Khan18 May 2023Natural Language Processing
Dick Garwin receives the Vannevar Bush Award in honor of his decades-long career of exceptional service to the nation in science NewsMike Murphy18 May 2023Science
How IBM Quantum is bringing organizations along their quantum-safe technology journeyNewsRay Harishankar, John Buselli, and Jai S. Arun10 May 2023Quantum SafeSecurity
A cloud-native, open-source stack for accelerating foundation model innovationTechnical noteTalia Gershon, Priya Nagpurkar, Carlos Costa, and Darrell Reimer09 May 2023AIFoundation ModelsHybrid CloudOpen Source