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3523 results for
Mathematical Sciences- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- L.D.R. Smith
- Peter Quarendon
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- Narciso Garcia
- Carlos Munoz
- et al.
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- Eric B. Hinkle
- Anil K. Jain
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- S.K. Ahuja
- S. Bailey Hierqesell
- et al.
- 1985
- International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy 1985
- 1985
- Albuquerque Conferences on Optics 1985