Modeling the Three-Dimensional Chromatin Structure from Hi-C Data with Transfer LearningTristan MeynierMarianna Rapsomaniki2021NeurIPS 2021
COVID-19 India Dataset: Parsing Detailed COVID-19 Data in Daily Health Bulletins from States in IndiaMayank AgarwalTathagata Chakrabortiet al.2021NeurIPS 2021
Improved Drought Forecasting Using Surrogate Quantile And Shape (SQUASH) LossDevyani LambhateSmit Marvaniyaet al.2021NeurIPS 2021
A Research Framework for Understanding Education-Occupation Alignment with NLP TechniquesRenzhe YuSubhro Daset al.2021ACL-IJCNLP 2021
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Monitoring the Impact of Wildfires on Tree Species with Deep LearningWang ZhouLevente Klein2020NeurIPS 2020
Investigating two super-resolution methods for downscaling precipitation: ESRGAN and CARCampbell WatsonChulin Wanget al.2020NeurIPS 2020
PaccMannRL on SARS-CoV-2: Designing antiviral candidates with conditional generative modelsJannis BornMatteo Manicaet al.2020ICML 2020
Prediction of neonatal mortality in Sub-Saharan African countries using data-level linkage of multiple surveysGirmaw Abebe TadesseCelia Cintaset al.2020ICML 2020
Machine Learning Approaches to Safeguarding Continuous Water Supply in the Arid and Semi-arid Lands of Northern KenyaFred OtienoTimothy Nyotaet al.2020ICLR 2020