Building a knowledge graph of events and consequences using wikidata?Oktie Hassanzadeh2021Wikidata 2021
Predicting the future with wikidata and wikipediaOktie Hassanzadeh2021ISWC-Posters-Demos-Industry 2021
Automated feature enhancement for predictive modeling using external knowledgeSainyam GalhotraUdayan Khuranaet al.2019ICDM 2019
Answering binary causal questions through large-scale text mining: An evaluation using cause-effect pairs from human expertsOktie HassanzadehDebarun Bhattacharjyaet al.2019IJCAI 2019
Inducing Implicit Relations from Text using Distantly Supervised Deep NetsMichael GlassAlfio Gliozzoet al.2018ISWC 2018
IBM scenario planning advisor: Plan recognition as AI planning in practiceShirin SohrabiMichael Katzet al.2018IJCAI 2018
Towards comprehensive noise detection in automatically-created knowledge graphsNandana MihindukulasooriyaOktie Hassanzadehet al.2017ISWC-Satellites 2017
Semantic concept discovery over event dataOktie HassanzadehShari Trewinet al.2017ISWC-Satellites 2017