Douglas Schales


STSM - Security Analytics
Douglas Schales


Doug Schales is a Senior Technical Staff Member at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center which he joined in 1996. His main area of interest is Security. He presently is focused on two areas.

  • Using LLM's to analyze software for security vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Supply Chain - Developing tools for ensuring that the software development pipeline is secure.

In the past, I worked on:

  • Development of DNS security analytics that operate at large scale that feature low resource usage and low false positive rates.  Sketch/streaming algorithms are heavily utilized.
  • Development of a geographically distributed platform for large scale, near real time, CyberSecurity analytics across multiple data types.  
  • Use of the platform to develop analytics to accurately identify misuse, or other unusual activity, in DNS traffic.
  • Automated over the network vulnerability discovery at scale.

In the past he has worked on security for the System S (Streams) project, introspection based security for virtual machines and automated enterprise scale, network-based, security auditing.




  • kestrel.png

    Building reusable, composable, and shareable huntflows across different data sources and threat intel.

Top collaborators

Jiyong Jang

Jiyong Jang

Principal Research Scientist & Manager, AI Supply Chain Security