Find and fix IT glitches before they crash the system NewsKim Martineau28 Sep 2023AI for CodeAI for ITExplainable AIFoundation ModelsGenerative AI
AI transformers shed light on the brain’s mysterious astrocytesResearchKim Martineau31 Aug 2023AIFoundation ModelsLife SciencesMachine LearningNatural Language ProcessingScience
IBM and NASA open source the largest geospatial AI foundation model on Hugging FaceNewsKim Martineau03 Aug 2023Accelerated DiscoveryAIClimate and SustainabilityDistributed SystemsFoundation ModelsHybrid CloudOpen SourceScaling AI
Did an AI write that? If so, which one? Introducing the new field of AI forensicsExplainerKim Martineau24 Jul 2023Adversarial Robustness and PrivacyAIExplainable AIFoundation ModelsGenerative AITrustworthy AI
Researchers validate a new class of AI-generated Covid antiviralsNewsKim Martineau28 Jun 2023Accelerated DiscoveryAIFoundation ModelsGenerative AITrustworthy AI
AI diffusion models can be tricked into generating manipulated imagesNewsKim Martineau05 Jun 2023AIAI TestingData and AI SecurityFoundation ModelsGenerative AISecurity
A cloud-native, open-source stack for accelerating foundation model innovationTechnical noteTalia Gershon, Priya Nagpurkar, Carlos Costa, and Darrell Reimer09 May 2023AIFoundation ModelsHybrid CloudOpen Source
Earth’s climate is changing. IBM’s new geospatial foundation model could help track and adapt to a new landscapeNewsSriram Raghavan and Christina Shim09 May 2023AIFoundation Models
IBM is using AI and drones to help spot cracks in airport runwaysNewsFlorian Scheidegger14 Apr 2023AIFoundation Models
What is prompt-tuning?NewsKim Martineau15 Feb 2023AIComputer VisionFairness, Accountability, TransparencyFoundation ModelsMachine LearningNatural Language Processing
Why we built an AI supercomputer in the cloudResearchTalia Gershon, Seetharami Seelam, Jay Jubran, Eran Gampel, and Drew Thorstensen07 Feb 2023AIFoundation ModelsHybrid Cloud InfrastructureScaling AI
IBM and NASA team up to spur new discoveries about our planet NewsKim Martineau01 Feb 20233 minute readAccelerated DiscoveryAIClimate and SustainabilityComputer VisionFoundation ModelsHybrid Cloud PlatformNatural Language ProcessingScaling AI
An AI foundation model that learns the grammar of molecules NewsPayel Das, Youssef Mroueh, Inkit Padhi, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Jerret Ross, and Brian Belgodere25 Jan 2023Accelerated DiscoveryAIFoundation ModelsLife SciencesMaterials Discovery
Your ‘check engine’ light is blinking. What if an AI could tell you why? ResearchKim Martineau29 Nov 2022AIFoundation Models
Debugging foundation models for bias ResearchKim Martineau28 Nov 2022Computer VisionExplainable AIFairness, Accountability, TransparencyFoundation ModelsNatural Language Processing