IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
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A new chip architecture points to faster, more energy-efficient AINewsMike Murphy19 Oct 2023AIAI HardwareHybrid Cloud Infrastructure
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The first IBM Quantum System One on a university campus comes to RPINewsMike Murphy13 Oct 2023Quantum
Can quantum computers bring an end to corrosion?ResearchRobert Davis03 Oct 2023QuantumQuantum Use Cases
IBM Quantum internship applications are now closed for summer 2024NewsBradley Holt, Cheniqua Allen, and Danille Jager03 Oct 2023Quantum Community
Find and fix IT glitches before they crash the system NewsKim Martineau28 Sep 2023AI for CodeAI for ITExplainable AIFoundation ModelsGenerative AI
Build utility-scale quantum applications with the updated Open Plan and IBM Quantum CreditsReleaseMarco Facchini and Steffen Thoß26 Sep 2023Quantum CommunityQuantum EnablementQuantum Research
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How open source paved the way for computing from anywhere Q & AKim Martineau20 Sep 2023AIHybrid Cloud PlatformMachine LearningScaling AI
An open-source toolkit for debugging AI models of all data typesTechnical noteKevin Eykholt and Taesung Lee08 Sep 2023Adversarial Robustness and PrivacyAI TestingData and AI Security
Announcing the winners of the 2023 IBM Quantum Open Science PrizeNewsDaniella Garcia Almeida06 Sep 2023QiskitQuantum CommunityQuantum Research