IBM Granite now has eyesResearchKim Martineau26 Feb 2025Computer VisionGenerative AIGraniteNatural Language Processing
AI from deep cloud to far-edge: A flawless end-to-end experienceTechnical noteSiddhika Nevrekar, Andreas Kuhmichel, Gaurav Garg, Eric Dulkeith, and Rojan Jose05 Mar 2025AI
How real researchers are using Qiskit circuit functions to accelerate their experimentsExplainerSuhare Nur, Sanket Panda, Francisco Martin, SheshaShayee Raghunathan, and Robert Davis05 Mar 2025Quantum EnablementQuantum NetworkQuantum Software
IBM’s Mikhail Yurochkin wants to make AI’s “cool” factor tangibleResearchKim Martineau05 Mar 2025AIFairness, Accountability, TransparencyGenerative AINatural Language ProcessingTrustworthy AI
The next evolution of IBM Quantum Platform: How to prepare for the transitionNews Julianna Roberts, Leron Gil, Kayla Lee, Fran Cabrera, Sean Dague, and Robert Davis26 Feb 2025QiskitQuantum EnablementQuantum Software Updates
Introducing the GneissWeb datasetTechnical noteHajar Emami Gohari, Swanand Kadhe, Syed Yousaf Shah, and Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee21 Feb 2025AI
IBM’s new benchmark changes monthly to avoid teaching to the testResearchKim Martineau17 Feb 2025AIComputer VisionGenerative AI
Melting magnets with utility-scale quantum simulation: Researchers explore condensed-matter physics phenomenaResearchEdward H. Chen and Robert Davis12 Feb 2025Quantum ResearchQuantum Use Cases
Why a decades old architecture decision is impeding the power of AI computingExplainerPeter Hess10 Feb 2025AIAI HardwareHardware TechnologySemiconductors