Hills or hollows? — An ambiguity in the determination of surface corrugationK.H. RiederA. Baratoffet al.1980Surface Science
The influence of ion sputtering on the elemental analysis of solid surfacesJ.W. Coburn1979Thin Solid Films
Secondary-ion emission from silicon bombarded with atomic and molecular noble-gas ionsK. Wittmaack1979Surface Science
A molecular-beam investigation of the reaction H2 + 1 2O2 → H2O on Pd(111)T. EngelH. Kuipers1979Surface Science
δ-FeO(OH) and its solid solutions - Part 1 Preparation and crystal chemistryOlaf MullerRobert Wilsonet al.1979Journal of Materials Science
Experimental study of the vibrations of acetylene chemisorbed on Ni(111)J.E. DemuthH. Ibach1979Surface Science
Preferred sputtering on binary alloy surfaces of the AlPdSi systemP.S. HoJ.E. Lewiset al.1979Surface Science