Toward General Design Principles for Generative AI ApplicationsJustin D. WeiszMichael Mulleret al.2023HAI-GEN+user2agent 2023
Extending a Human-AI Collaboration Framework with Dynamism and SocialityMichael MullerJustin Weisz2022CHIWORK 2022
Perfection Not Required? Human-AI Partnerships in Code TranslationJustin WeiszMichael Mulleret al.2021IUI 2021
HAI-GEN 2021: 2nd workshop on human-AI co-creation with generative modelsWerner GeyerLydia B Chiltonet al.2021IUI 2021
Model LineUpper: Supporting Interactive Model Comparison at Multiple Levels for AutoMLShweta NarkarYunfeng Zhanget al.2021IUI 2021
AutoAIViz: Opening the blackbox of automated artificial intelligence with conditional parallel coordinatesDaniel Karl I. WeideleJustin Weiszet al.2020IUI 2020
Trust in AutoML: exploring information needs for establishing trust in automated machine learning systemsJaimie DrozdalJustin Weiszet al.2020IUI 2020
Human-AI Collaboration in Data Science: Exploring Data Scientists’ Perceptions of Automated AIDakuo WangJustin Weiszet al.2019CSCW 2019
BigBlueBot: Teaching strategies for successful human-agent interactionsJustin WeiszMohit Jainet al.2019IUI 2019
Entanglion: A board game for teaching the principles of quantum computingJustin WeiszMaryam Ashooriet al.2018CHI PLAY 2018