Quantum Embedding Method for the Simulation of Strongly Correlated Systems on Quantum ComputersMax RossmannekFabijan Pavoševićet al.2023ACS Fall 2023
Quantum computing software design: Interfacing classical codesMax RossmannekIvano Tavernelliet al.2022ACS Fall 2022
Quantum-DFT embedding algorithm for electronic structure calculationsMax RossmannekPanagiotis Barkoutsoset al.2022ACS Spring 2022
On-surface synthesis of a doubly anti-aromatic carbon allotropeYueze GaoFlorian Albrechtet al.2023Nature
Aromaticity Reversal Induced by Vibrations in Cyclo[16]carbonIgor RončevićFreddie J. Leslieet al.2023JACS
Quantum-centric supercomputing: an application overviewMax RossmannekIskandar Sitdikovet al.2024ISC 2024
Quantum Embedding Method for the Simulation of Strongly Correlated Systems on Quantum ComputersMax RossmannekFabijan Pavoševićet al.2023Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Quantum HF/DFT-embedding algorithms for electronic structure calculations: Scaling up to complex molecular systemsMax RossmannekPanagiotis Kl. Barkoutsoset al.2021Journal of Chemical Physics