Effective Elastic Scaling of Deep Learning WorkloadsVaibhav SaxenaJayaram Kr Kallapalayam Radhakrishnanet al.2020MASCOTS 2020
Balancing Stragglers Against Staleness in Distributed Deep LearningSaurav BasuVaibhav Saxenaet al.2018HiPC 2018
Efficient Training of Convolutional Neural Nets on Large Distributed SystemsDheeraj SreedharVaibhav Saxenaet al.2018CLUSTER 2018
Architecture aware resource allocation for structured grid applications: Flood modelling caseVaibhav SaxenaThomas Georgeet al.2015CCGrid 2015
Evaluation and enhancement of weather application performance on Blue Gene/QGurbinder Singh GillVaibhav Saxenaet al.2013HiPC 2013
A divide and conquer strategy for scaling weather simulations with multiple regions of interestPreeti MalakarThomas Georgeet al.2012SC 2012
Multifrontal factorization of sparse SPD matrices on GPUsThomas GeorgeVaibhav Saxenaet al.2011IPDPS 2011
Performance evaluation and optimization of random memory access on multicores with high productivityVaibhav SaxenaYogish Sabharwalet al.2010HiPC 2010
A divide and conquer strategy for scaling weather simulations with multiple regions of interestPreeti MalakarThomas Georgeet al.2013Scientific Programming