Conference paper

Architecture aware resource allocation for structured grid applications: Flood modelling case


Numerous problems in science and engineering involve discretizing the problem domain as a regular structured grid and make use of domain decomposition techniques to obtain solutions faster using high performance computing. However, the load imbalance of the workloads among the various processing nodes can cause severe degradation in application performance. This problem is exacerbated for the case when the computational workload is non-uniform and the processing nodes have varying computational capabilities. In this paper, we present novel local search algorithms for regular partitioning of a structured mesh to heterogeneous compute nodes in a distributed setting. The algorithms seek to assign larger workloads to processing nodes having higher computation capabilities while maintaining the regular structure of the mesh in order to achieve a better load balance. We also propose a distributed memory (MPI) parallelization architecture that can be used to achieve a parallel implementation of scientific modelling software requiring structured grids on heterogeneous processing resources involving CPUs and GPUs. Our implementation can make use of the available CPU cores and multiple GPUs of the underlying platform simultaneously. Empirical evaluation on real world flood modelling domains on a heterogeneous architecture comprising of multicore CPUs and GPUs suggests that the proposed partitioning approach can provide a performance improvement of up to 8× over a naive uniform partitioning.
