DiLight: Digital light table – Inbetweening for 2D animations using guidelines
- Leonardo Carvalho
- Ricardo Marroquim
- et al.
- 2017
- Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)
I hold master and Ph.D. in Mathematics with specialization in Computer Graphics awarded by IMPA (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada). After the Ph.D. I worked with graph theory and computer graphics at COPPE/UFRJ as a postdoc. I also spent four years as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Interactive Reservoir Modeling, Visualization and Analytics research group at the University of Calgary. During this time I was working in collaboration with practitioners in the oil and gas industry on the research and development of interactive visual computing software technologies and their application to a variety of problems in geoscience and reservoir engineering.
I am excited about all application of computer graphics (CG) in other science, specifically geometric modeling and illustrative visualization. In addition, I am interested in CG applications and solutions that involve machine learning.
A lineage data management system for tracking data in hybrid cloud deployments.