Alessandro Sorniotti


Principal Research Scientist | system security and cryptography
Alessandro Sorniotti


Alessandro is a Principal Research Scientist at IBM Research – Zurich. His current research include system security and applied cryptography.

Alessandro holds a PhD in applied cryptography from Telecom ParisTech (former Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris) and a double MSc degree from Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) in Computer Science and from EURECOM in Networking. Prior to joining IBM, he was a member of the Security & Trust research program of SAP Research. He has been engaged in several EU projects including Avantssar (formal validation of security properties in service-oriented infrastructures) and TClouds (security and reliability in cloud computing). He has also been a member of the SAP Product Security Team, acting as an internal security consultant for SAP business units.




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