NiFe films deposited by sputter gun and applications to bubble devicesL.J. TaoK.Y. Ahnet al.1976Thin Solid Films
The stability of a spinning elastic disk with a transverse load systemW.D. IwanT.L. Moeller1976Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME
Semiconductor superfine structures by computer-controlled molecular beam epitaxyL. EsakiL.L. Chang1976Thin Solid Films
Many-body effects in the first excited subband of the n-inversion layer of SiB. VinterFrank Stern1976Surface Science
Screening and level broadening in inversion layers with random fixed chargesFrank Stern1976Surface Science
Some dynamical properties of a two-dimensional Wigner crystalLynn BonsallA.A. Maradudin1976Surface Science
Recent progress in electronic properties of quasi-two-dimensional systemsFrank Stern1976Surface Science
Electron scattering in silicon inversion layers by oxide and surface roughnessA. HartsteinT.H. Ninget al.1976Surface Science
Oxide-charge-induced impurity band in silicon inversion layersA. HartsteinA.B. Fowler1976Surface Science
Cluster model calculation and photoemission studies of molecularly adsorbed NO on NiI.P BatraC.R Brundle1976Surface Science