Cognition-cognizant sentiment analysis with multitask subjectivity summarization based on annotators' gaze behaviorAbhijit MishraSrikanth Tamilselvamet al.2018AAAI 2018
Early prediction of diabetes complications from electronic health records: A multi-task survival analysis approachBin LiuYing Liet al.2018AAAI 2018
Dataset evolver: An interactive feature engineering notebookFatemeh NargesianUdayan Khuranaet al.2018AAAI 2018
DLpaper2Code: Auto-generation of code from deep learning research papersAkshay SethiAnush Sankaranet al.2018AAAI 2018
Learning conditional generative models for temporal point processesShuai XiaoHonteng Xuet al.2018AAAI 2018
Semi-black box: Rapid development of planning based solutionsMichael KatzDany Moshkovichet al.2018AAAI 2018