Characterization of electron-beam deposited tungsten films on sapphire and siliconJ.H. SoukJ.F. O'Hanlonet al.1985JVSTA
Thermal desorption spectroscopy of Xe at the Si(111) as a local probe for surface structuresJ.W. BarthaU. Barjenbruchet al.1985JVSTA
Electron-gun Evaporators of Refractory Metals Compatible with Molecular Beam EpitaxyM. HeiblumJ. Blochet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Microstructure and electrical conductivity of plasma deposited gold/fluorocarbon composite filmsJ. PerrinB. Despaxet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Comparison between the adsorption of PH3 and B2H6 on Si surfaces as related to the CVD of SiM.L. YuD.J. Vitkavageet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Energy distributions of electronically excited molecules produced by ion bombardment of siliconR.E. WalkupPh. Avouris1985JVSTA
Adsorbate-surface and adsorbate-adsorbate interactions and their role in surface reactionsN.D. Lanq1985JVSTA