Joint spatio-textual reasoning for answering tourism questionsDanish ContractorShashank Goelet al.2021WWW 2021
Neural conversational QA: Learning to reason vs exploiting patternsNikhil VermaAbhishek Sharmaet al.2020EMNLP 2020
Document chunking and learning objective generation for instruction designKhoi Nguyen TranJey Han Lauet al.2018EDM 2018
Document segmentation for labeling with academic learning objectivesDivyanshu BhartiyaDanish Contractoret al.2016EDM 2016
Entity-balanced Gaussian pLSA for automated comparisonDanish ContractorMausamet al.2016NAACL-HLT 2016
Tracking political elections on social media: Applications and experienceDanish ContractorBhupesh Chawdaet al.2015IJCAI 2015
Content analytics system for social customer relationship managementMeenakshi NagarajanDanish Contractoret al.2013ICWSM 2013