Guaranteeing consistency between large replicated writable disk imagesSean RooneyLuis Garcés-Erice2013CNSM 2013
A flexible and scalable message broker for sensor network integrationLuis Garcés-EriceDaniel Baueret al.2009COMSWARE 2009
Building an enterprise service bus for Real-time SOA: A messaging middleware stackLuis Garcés-Erice2009COMPSAC 2009
Predicting performance on a loosely controlled event systemSean RooneyL. Garcés-Erice2008COMPSAC 2008
Kafka: the Database Inverted, but Not Garbled or CompromisedSean RooneyLuis Garcés Ericeet al.2019BigData Congress 2019
Secure lazy provisioning of virtual desktops to a portable storage deviceLuis Garcés-EriceSean Rooney2012VTDC 2012