BigData Congress 2019
Workshop paper

Kafka: the Database Inverted, but Not Garbled or Compromised


The Kafka streaming platform has at its heart a distributed commit log. This resembles the change log that exists in every relational database system. It has been suggested that Kafka be viewed not just as a messaging system, but as the core of a database. The database is in effect ``turned inside out'' as the normally hidden change log becomes the first class entity of the system, while what is normally considered primary, i.e.~the table, view, indexes etc.~are just derived from this log. This is appealing as a vision, but raises challenges when applied within an actual enterprise system. The challenges arise from the conflicting interests and requirements of analytics and transactional systems. Running everything on a single system leads to tradeoffs; our intentions here is to identify some of the practical problems with using Kafka as a single data store within an enterprise and to describe our initial approach to resolving them.