IPCCC 2010
Conference paper

OS streaming deployment

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A network deployment of generally available operating systems (OS) usually takes in the order of tens of minutes. This is prohibitive in an environment in which OSs must be dynamically and frequently provisioned in response to external requests. By exploiting the fact that in general only a small part of an OS image is actually required to be present to perform useful tasks, we demonstrate how an OS can perform work shortly after a deployment has begun. This requires the insertion of a streaming device between the operating system and the disk. We have implemented such a device for Windows* and Linux *. We show that such an OS streaming deployment reduces significantly (i.e., to a few seconds) the time between the start of the deployment and the moment at which the OS is available. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the performance overhead of using the OS during streaming is negligible as the penalty introduced by the streaming device is minor and the I/O performance is completely dominated by the multiple caches between the application and the disk. © 2010 IEEE.



IPCCC 2010

