Toward modeling auditory information seeking strategies on the webShari TrewinJohn Richardset al.2010CHI 2010
An algorithm for identifying the abstract syntax of graph-based diagramsAteret Anaby-TavorDavid Amidet al.2009VL/HCC 2009
Using Information Scent to model the dynamic foraging behavior of programmers in maintenance tasksJoseph LawranceRachel Bellamyet al.2008CHI 2008
Can information foraging pick the fix? a field studyJoseph LawranceRachel Bellamyet al.2008VL/HCC 2008
Evaluating an automated tool to assist evolutionary document generationG. GweonL. Bergmanet al.2007VL/HCC 2007
Scents in programs: Does information foraging theory apply to program maintenance?Joseph LawranceRachel Bellamyet al.2007VL/HCC 2007
Common & particular needs: A challenge to participatory designRachel K. E. BellamyJohn Richardset al.2007CHI 2007