Conference paper

Tutorial on the internet of everything


Analysts identified "Internet of Everything" (IoE), which is a generalization of the term Internet of Things as "one of the major technology trends that will have a tremendous impact on life". The term IoE stands for a collection of uniquely identified objects connected in an Internet-like structure, serving as sensors or actuators. However, Forrester Research stated recently that "there is no Internet of Things, yet". Indeed, what makes the traditional Internet pervasive is the ability to consume its content easily by eventually everybody. This is still not the case in the IoE. In this talk we discuss the main differences in thinking between the traditional Internet (which follows the request-response paradigm) and the Internet of Everything (which follows the sense & respond paradigm). This tutorial is intended to provide education in three major issues: • What stands behind the IoE buzzword? • What are the current and future applications of the IoE in different areas? • What is missing today and what should researchers and practitioners concentrate on, to make the IoE really happen? © 2014 Authors.
