
Self-consistent calculations of tunneling currents in n+-GaAs/i- AlxGa1-xAs/n+-GaAs structures and comparison with measurements


We present calculations and measurements of current as a function of voltage I(V), and conductivity at low voltage as a function of temperature, G(T), for n+ -GaAs/i- Alx Ga1-x As/n + -GaAs single-barrier tunneling structures. The current is modeled by its tunneling and thermionic emission components. The shape of the conduction-band edge is obtained by solving Poisson's equation self-consistently, together with two different models for the charge density. In the first model, the electron density is evaluated semiclassically, and in the second, the electron density is calculated from the electronic wave functions. Good agreement is obtained with both models between the experimental and the calculated I(V) and G(T) characteristics over the 4.2-200 K temperature range. The fits obtained are very sensitive to small variations (1%) in barrier width and effective barrier height, which allows one to determine these parameters within a narrower uncertainty range.
