Open Research Europe

Machine Learning Inspired Nanowire Classification Method based on Nanowire Array Scanning Electron Microscope Images

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Background: This article introduces an innovative classification methodology to identify nanowires within scanning electron microscope images. Methods: Our approach employs advanced image manipulation techniques in conjunction with machine learning-based recognition algorithms. The effectiveness of our proposed method is demonstrated through its application to the categorization of scanning electron microscopy images depicting nanowires arrays. Results: The method’s capability to isolate and distinguish individual nanowires within an array is the primary factor in the observed accuracy. The foundational data set for model training comprises scanning electron microscopy images featuring 240 III-V nanowire arrays grown with metal organic chemical vapor deposition on silicon substrates. Each of these arrays consists of 66 nanowires. The results underscore the model’s proficiency in discerning distinct wire configurations and detecting parasitic crystals. Our approach yields an average F1 score of 0.91, indicating high precision and recall. Conclusions: Such a high level of performance and accuracy of ML methods demonstrate the viability of our technique not only for academic but also for practical commercial implementation and usage.



Open Research Europe

