IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Language Constructs for Specifying Concurrency in CDL

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In this paper, we describe language constructs for specifying concurrency in CDL. Our main goals in designing the language have been: modular specification, data integrity, and expressiveness. After presenting the language constructs, we show how the constructs mirror the goals through examples. The major advantages of the constructs are as follows. Data integrity is achieved without resorting to mutual exclusion unnecessarily. Dynamic resource management is achieved safely guaranteeing the anonymity of the dynamically allocating resources. Similar components can be packaged together without resorting to sequential access. We illustrate various features of the language through various examples. In short, the language provides a step towards integrating abstraction mechanisms and specification techniques. Finally, we compare some of the features in CDL with some of the features available in other languages including distributed programming languages. © 1989 IEEE



IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

