Computer Science - Research and Development

DotStar: Breaking the scalability and performance barriers in parsing regular expressions

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Regular expressions (shortened as regexp ) are widely used to parse data, detect recurrent patterns and information, and are a common choice for defining configurable rules for a variety of systems. In fact, many data-intensive applications rely on regexp matching as the first line of defense to perform on-line data filtering. Unfortunately, few solutions can keep up with the increasing data rate and complexity of sets containing hundreds of expressions. In this paper we present DotStar (.*), a complete algorithmic solution and a software tool-chain, that can compile large sets of regexp into an automaton that can take advantage of the vector/SIMD extensions available on many commodity multi-core processors. DotStar relies on several algorithmic innovations to transform the user-provided regexp set into a sequence of manageable intermediate representations. The resulting automaton is both space and time efficient, and can search in a single pass without backtracking. The experimental evaluation, performed on a family of state-of-the-art processors, shows that DotStar can efficiently handle both small sets of regexp, used in protocol parsing, and larger sets designed for Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS), achieving a performance between 1 and 5 Gbit/sec per core. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.



Computer Science - Research and Development


