Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Characterization of the reactive and dissociative behavior of transition metal oxide cluster ions in the gas phase

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The reactive and dissociative behavior of molybdenum and tungsten oxide cluster ions has been studied in the gas phase using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Cluster ions (MO3)n- were formed via a simple thermal desorption/electron capture negative ionization method, and their structures were characterized by collision-activated dissociation (CAD). Typically, the clusters fragment by losses of neutral (MO3) units. Reactions of the oxide cluster ions with ethylene oxide, cyclohexene oxide, ethylene sulfide cyclohexene sulfide, 2,3-butanedione, and 2,4-pentanedione were examined, and product ions were characterized by CAD. The clusters react with ethylene oxide by addition of ethylene oxide or net addition of oxygen, whereas the clusters react with ethylene sulfide via net addition of one or two sulfur atoms. Reactions of the clusters with the diones result in addition of one or two dione units, in some cases with dehydration. © 1991 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.



Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry


