Tatsuhiro Chiba


STSM, Manager, Hybrid Cloud
Tatsuhiro Chiba


Tatsuhiro CHIBA, Ph.D.

Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM), Manager, Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure at IBM Research

19-21, Nihonbashi Hakozaki-cho,Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8510, Japan

Google Scholar


  • (May. 2022) Four papers have been accepted to IEEE CLOUD 2022. [link]
  • (Dec. 2021) Our paper, 'Towards Compute Flexibility for Genome Analysis in the Hybrid Cloud', received a best young researcher presentation award at IPSJ SIG OS 153 (SWoPP 2021). [link]
  • (Sep. 2021) Presented 'Run Wild: Resource Management System with Generalized Modeling for Microservices on Cloud' at IEEE CLOUD 2021. [link, paper, slide]
  • (Nov. 2020) Presented 'Investigating Genome Analysis Pipeline Performance on GATK with Cloud Object Storage' at IEEE MASCOTS 2020. [link, paper, slide
  • (Jul. 2020) Presented 'ImageJockey: A Framework for Container Performance Engineering' at IEEE CLOUD 2020. [link, paper, slide] 
  • (Jul. 2019) Presented 'EvFS: User-level, Event-Driven File System for Non-Volatile Memory' at USENIX HotStorage 19. [link, paper, slide]
  • (Jun. 2019) Presented 'ConfAdvisor: A Performance-centric Configuration Tuning Framework for Containers on Kubernetes' at IC2E 2019. [link, paper, slide]
  • (Dec. 2018) Presented 'Column Cache: Buffer Cache for Columnar Storage on HDFS' at IEEE Big Data 2018. [link]
  • (Jul. 2018) Presented 'Towards Selecting Best Combination of SQL-on-Hadoop Systems and JVMs' at IEEE CLOUD 2018. [paper, slide]
  • (Apr. 2016)  Presented 'Workload Characterization and Optimization of TPC-H Queries on Apache Spark' at ISPASS 2016. [paper, slide]

Research Interests

Distributed and Parallel Systems, HPC, Hybrid Cloud, Programming Language and Runtime

Professional Activities (International Conference / Journals)

  • IEEE Big Data 2016, 2019, 2020 PC member
  • CANDAR 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 PC member

Professional Activities (Domestic Conference / Journals)

Conference Papers

  • Bypass Container Overlay Networks with Transparent BPF-driven Socket Replacement
    Sunyanan Choochotkaew, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Scott Trent, Marcelo Amaral, IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2022), July, 2022. 
  • MicroLens: A Performance Analysis Framework for Microservices Using Hidden Metrics With BPF
    Marcelo Amaral, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Scott Trent, Takeshi Yoshimura, Sunyanan Choochotkaew, IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2022), July, 2022. 
  • AutoDECK: Automated Declarative Performance Evaluation and Tuning Framework on Kubernetes
    Sunyanan Choochotkaew, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Scott Trent, Takeshi Yoshimura, Marcelo Amaral, IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2022), July, 2022. 
  • Detecting Layered Bottlenecks in Microservices
    Tatsushi Inagaki, Yohei Ueda, Moriyoshi Ohara, Sunyanan Choochotkaew, Marcelo Amaral, Scott Trent, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Qi Zhang, IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2022), July, 2022. 
  • Run Wild: Resource Management System with Generalized Modeling for Microservices on Cloud
    Sunyanan Choochotkaew, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Scott Trent, Marcelo Amaral, IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2021), September, 2021. 
  • Investigating Genome Analysis Pipeline Performance on GATK with Cloud Object Storage
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Takeshi Yoshimura, IEEE 28th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2020), November, 2020. 
  • ImageJockey: A Framework for Container Performance Engineering
    Takeshi Yoshimura, Rina Nakazawa, Tatsuhiro Chiba, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020), October, 2020.
  • EvFS: User-level, Event-Driven File System for Non-Volatile Memory
    Takeshi Yoshimura, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Hiroshi Horii, 11th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage '19), July, 2019.
  • ConfAdvisor: A Performance Centric Config Tuning Framework for Containers on Kubernetes
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Rina Nakazawa, Hiroshi Horii, Sahil Suneja, Seethalami Seelam, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2019), June, 2019.
  • Column Cache: Buffer Cache for Columnar Storage on HDFS
    Takeshi Yoshimura, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Hiroshi Horii, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2018), December, 2018.
  • Towards Selecting Best Combination of SQL-on-Hadoop Systems and JVMs
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Takeshi Yoshimura, Michihiro Horie, Hiroshi Horii, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2018), July, 2018.
  • Workload Characterization and Optimization of TPC-H Queries on Apache Spark
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Tamiya Onodera, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2016), April, 2016.
  • An Event-Processing System Alerting Analytically to Networked Vehicles
    Haruki Imai, Kumiko Maeda, Tatsuhiro Chiba, Yasushi Negishi, Akira Koseki, Tohru Aihara, Hideaki Komatsu, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October, 2013.
  • Smarter Mobility Integrated System: A Real Time Processing Framework for Sensor Data Aggregation, Analysis and Query
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Haruki Imai, Kumiko Maeda, Akira Koseki, Yasushi Negishi, Hideaki Komatsu,  ITS World Congress, ITS, October, 2013.
  • Dynamic Load-Balanced Multicast for Data-Intensive Applications on Clouds
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Mathijs den Burger, Thilo Kielmann, Satoshi Matsuoka.  In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2010), May 2010.
  • High Performance MPI Broadcast Algorithm for Grid Environments Utilizing Multi-lane NICs
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Toshio Endo and Satoshi Matsuoka,  In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid07), pp.487-494, May 2007.

Jounal Papers

  • 金融分野におけるビックデータ分析
    古関聰, 金山博, 坪井祐太, 平出涼, 千葉立寛, 米持幸寿, 野村尚,情報処理学会論文誌:デジタルプラクティス Vol.4 No. 1,2013.
  • Dynamic Optimization for Large Data Broadcast on Clouds
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Thilo Kielmann, Mathijs den Burger, Satoshi Matsuoka, IPSJ Transactions on Advanced Computing System, Vol.3 No.2, April 2010, Japanese.
  • MPI Collective Operations Algorithm by Using Multi-lane for Grid Environment
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Toshio Endo, Satoshi Matsuoka, IPSJ Transactions on Advanced Computing System, vol.48, No.SIG 14 (ACS 18), April 2007, Japanese.

Domestic Conference and Workshop Papers

  • Java 静的コンパイラを用いた Quarkus フレームワークの性能評価
    伊澤 侑祐, 堀江 倫大, 緒方 一則,  千葉 立寛, IPSJ SIG PRO 2021-03. 
  • Towards Compute Flexibility for Genome Analysis in the Hybrid Cloud
    Takeshi Yoshimura, Tatsuhiro Chiba, IPSJ SIG OS153, SWoPP 2021.
  • コンテナ環境向けJavaフレームワークQuarkusの性能評価****Scheduling に向けたマイクロサービス性能モデルの検討
    緒方 一則, 堀江 倫大, 千葉 立寛, IPSJ SIG PRO 2020-03. 
  • Elastic Scheduling に向けたマイクロサービス性能モデルの検討
    千葉 立寛, 中澤 里奈, 堀井 洋, IPSJ SIG OS147, SWoPP 2019.
  • 動的なコンフィグチューニングによるコンテナ型アプリケーションの性能最適化
    千葉 立寛, 中澤 里奈, 堀井 洋, IPSJ SIG OS144, SWoPP 2018.
  • POWER システムへのユーザレベル NVMe ドライバの移植と性能評価
    吉村 剛, 千葉 立寛, 堀井 洋, IPSJ SIG OS144, SWoPP 2018.
  • SQL on Hadoop における実行エンジン及びJVMの適応的選択を用いた最適化に向けて
    千葉 立寛, 吉村 剛, 堀江 道大, 堀井 洋, IPSJ SIG OS141, SWoPP 2017.
  • バッファキャッシュを用いたSparkシャッフル処理の最適化に向けて
    吉村 剛, 千葉 立寛, 堀井 洋, 小野寺 民也, コンピュータシステムシンポジウム, Comsys 2016.
  • Spark上でのTPC-H Benchmarkのマルチレイヤ最適化の評価
    千葉 立寛, 堀井 洋, 小野寺 民也, 日本ソフトウェア科学会第32回大会, September, 2015.
  • 分散プログラミング言語X10を用いたアナリティクスライブラリの実装と評価
    千葉 立寛,竹内 幹雄,戸澤 晶彦, IPSJ SIG HPC145, SWoPP 2014, August.
  • Dynamic Optimization for Large Data Broadcast on Clouds
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Thilo Kielmann, Mathijs den Burger, Satoshi Matsuoka, HPCS 2010, January 2010, Japanese.
  • MPI Collective Operations Algorithm by Using Multi-lane for Grid Environment
    Tatsuhiro Chiba, Toshio Endo, Satoshi Matsuoka,  HPCS 2007, Japanese, January 2007.       

Books and Articles

  • クラウドシステム移行・導入 アーキテクチャからハイブリッドクラウドまで, 金子 格, 石黒 正揮, 小川 宏高, 小向 太郎, 櫻田 武嗣, 千葉 立寛, 林 良一, オーム社, Mar. 2022.  [link]

  • クラウドネイティブ時代に振り返るコンテナのこれまでとこれから, 千葉 立寛,情報処理 Vol.59 No.11 Oct. 2018.  [Link]

  • Sparkによる実践データ解析 - 大規模データのための機械学習事例集,付録D, 千葉 立寛,小野寺 民也,O'Reilly Japan, Jan. 2016.




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Scott Trent

Scott Trent

Staff Research Scientist & Certified Linux Geek