Sikhar Patranabis


Staff Research Scientist
Sikhar Patranabis


Welcome to my homepage! I am a cryptographer and a staff research scientist at IBM Research India.

My research interests are in theoretical and applied cryptography, with recent focus on quantum-safe cryptographic techniques for decentralized trust, secure computation, and searchable encrypted databases.

Prior to joining IBM Research, I was a staff research scientist at Visa Research USA (Nov 2020-Dec 2021) and a postdoctoral fellow in the Applied Cryptography Group, ETH Zurich (Nov 2019-Oct 2020, hosted by Prof. Kenny Paterson). I received my B.Tech in 2015 and PhD in 2019 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. I was very fortunate to have Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay as my PhD advisor.

My research has been recognized by an IACR best paper (by early career authors) award at ASIACRYPT 2022, an IBM PhD fellowship, and a Qualcomm Research Innovation Fellowship.

You can find more about my research publications here and here

Office Address: IBM G2 Block, Manyata Tech Park, Bangalore-560045



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