Modelling NEM relays for digital circuit applications
- Sunil Rana
- Tian Qin
- et al.
- 2013
- ISCAS 2013
Christoph Hagleitner's research areas are novel compute architectures (including accelerators) for accelerated discovery and AI workloads. He also is the coordinator of the H2020 project EVEREST ( targeting an holistic design environment that simplifies the programmability of High Performance Big Data analytics for heterogeneous, distributed, scalable and secure systems.
He obtained a diploma degree and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich in 1997 and 2002, respectively. After receiving the Ph.D. degree for a thesis on the first single-chip gas detection system he lead the circuit-design group at the Physical Electronics Laboratory at the ETH Zurich. In 2003 he joined IBM Research to work on the system architecture of a novel probe-storage device (“millipede”-project). In 2008, he established and built up the newly created accelerator technologies team. In 2008, he started to build up a new research group in the area of accelerator technologies. The team initially focused on integrated accelerator cores and gradually expanded its research to heterogeneous computing systems and their applications.
Christoph Hagleitner has (co-)authored 6 book chapters and 100+ papers in journals and conference proceedings, has served on the senior editorial board of the IEEE Journal on Emerging & Selected Topics in Circuits & Systems (JETCAS), as well as on the TPCs of highly ranked conferences including the ISSCC as well as the ESSCIRC conference.
Field programmable gate arrays for the cloud.