Highly selective argon-oxygen ion beam etching process for Pb alloysD.F. MooreH.P. Dietrichet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Investigation of the interface chemistry of titanium-tungsten Schottky barrier contacts to silicon by Auger spectroscopyJ.E. LewisM.O. Aboelfotohet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: The interaction mechanism of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy probed by high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopyM. LiehrP.A. Thiryet al.1985JVSTA
Stress modification of WSi2.2 films by concurrent low energy ion bombardment during alloy evaporationD.S. YeeJ. Floroet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Resistivity-process relationships in TiSi2 formed from Ti-Si reaction couplesH.-O. BlomS. Berget al.1985JVSTA
Formation of TiSi2 and TiN during nitrogen annealing of magnetron sputtered Ti filmsE.D. AdamsK.Y. Ahnet al.1985JVSTA