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3520 results for
Mathematical Sciences- Kush R. Varshney
- Jamie C. Rasmussen
- et al.
- 2012
- AIS-ICIS 2012
- Xiping Wang
- Cesar Gonzales
- et al.
- 2012
- SPIE Defense + Security 2012
- Kirstin Gillon
- Erik Brynjolfsson
- et al.
- 2012
- AIS-ICIS 2012
- Flavio Bergamaschi
- Dave Conway-Jones
- 2012
- SPIE Defense + Security 2012
- 2012
- SPIE Defense + Security 2012
- Franco Stellari
- Thomas Cowell
- et al.
- 2012
- IEEE ITC 2012
- 2012
- SPIE Advanced Lithography 2012
- 2012
- SPIE Advanced Lithography 2012
- Alun Preece
- Diego Pizzocaro
- et al.
- 2012
- SPIE Defense + Security 2012
- Himani S. Kamineni
- Spyros Gallis
- et al.
- 2012
- Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2012