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118 results for
Gottlieb S. Oehrlein- W.M. Chen
- O.O. Awadelkarim
- et al.
- 1990
- Physical Review Letters
- O. Joubert
- G.S. Oehrlein
- et al.
- 1994
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
- 1990
- SPIE Processing Integration 1990
- G.S. Oehrlein
- R. Ghez
- et al.
- 1984
- ICDS 1984
- G.S. Oehrlein
- R.M. Tromp
- et al.
- 1983
- ECS Meeting 1983
- T.O. Sedgwick
- S. Cohen
- et al.
- 1983
- ECS Meeting 1983
- T.O. Sedgwick
- S. Cohen
- et al.
- 1983
- VLSI Science and Technology 1983
- 2016
- Journal of Chemical Physics