Phrase table training for precision and recall: What makes a good phrase and a good phrase pair?Yonggang DengJia Xuet al.2008ACL 2008
A tool for scalable profiling and tracing of Java and native code interactionsParijat DubeSeetharami Seelamet al.2011QEST 2011
Stereo-based stochastic mapping with discriminative training for noise robust speech recognitionXiaodong CuiMohamed Afifyet al.2009ICASSP 2009
Recent improvements of Probability Based Prosody Models for Unit Selection in concatenative text-to-speechWei ZhangLiang Guet al.2009ICASSP 2009
Class-based named entity translation in a speech to speech translation systemSameer R. MaskeyMartin Cmejreket al.2008SLT 2008
High-performance low-latency speech recognition via multi-layered feature streaming and fast Gaussian computationLiang GuJian Xueet al.2008INTERSPEECH 2008
Discriminative training using the trusted expectation maximizationYasser HifnyYuqing Gao2008INTERSPEECH 2008
N-best based stochastic mapping on stereo HMM for noise robust speech recognitionXiaodong CuiMohamed Afifyet al.2008INTERSPEECH 2008