Extreme scale computing: Modeling the impact of system noise in multicore clustered systemsSeetharami SeelamLiana Fonget al.2010IPDPS 2010
Masking I/O latency using application level I/O caching and prefetching on Blue Gene systemsSeetharami SeelamI-Hsin Chunget al.2010IPDPS 2010
Tools for scalable performance analysis on petascale systems IPDPS 2009 all symposium tutorialI-Hsin ChungS.R. Seelamet al.2009IPDPS 2009
Application level i/o caching on blue gene/p systeillsSeetharami SeelamI-Hsin Chunget al.2009IPDPS 2009
Workload performance characterization of DARPA HPCS benchmarksSeetharami SeelamI-Hsin Chunget al.2008HPCC 2008
A framework for automated performance bottleneck detectionI.-Hsin ChungGuojing Conget al.2008IPDPS 2008
Early experiences in application level I/O tracing on blue gene systemsSeetharami SeelamI.-Hsin Chunget al.2008IPDPS 2008
Modeling the impact of checkpoints on next-generation systemsRon A. OldfieldPatricia J. Telleret al.2007MSST 2007
Virtual I/O scheduler: A scheduler of schedulers for performance virtualizationSeetharami R. SeelamPatricia J. Teller2007VEe 2007