Answering binary causal questions through large-scale text mining: An evaluation using cause-effect pairs from human expertsOktie HassanzadehDebarun Bhattacharjyaet al.2019IJCAI 2019
Theoretical foundations for structural symmetries of lifted PDDL tasksSilvan SieversGabriele Rögeret al.2019ICAPS 2019
Oversubscription planning as classical planning with multiple cost functionsMichael KatzEmil Keyderet al.2019ICAPS 2019
IBM scenario planning advisor: Plan recognition as AI planning in practiceShirin SohrabiMichael Katzet al.2018IJCAI 2018
Symmetry-based task reduction for relaxed reachability analysisGabriele RögerSilvan Sieverset al.2018ICAPS 2018
Adapting Novelty to Classical Planning as Heuristic SearchMichael KatzNir Lipovetzkyet al.2017ICAPS 2017
Strengthening Canonical Pattern Databases with Structural SymmetriesSilvan SieversMartin Wehrleet al.2017SoCS 2017