Combining human cell line transcriptome analysis and Bayesian inference to build trustworthy machine learning models for prediction of animal toxicity in drug developmentLaura GardinerAnna Paola Carrieriet al.2019NeurIPS 2019
Combining explainable machine learning, demographic and multi-omic data to inform precision medicine strategies for inflammatory bowel diseaseLaura-Jayne GardinerAnna Paola Carrieriet al.2022PLoS ONE
Explainable AI reveals changes in skin microbiome composition linked to phenotypic differencesAnna Paola CarrieriNiina Haiminenet al.2021Scientific Reports
Using human in vitro transcriptome analysis to build trustworthy machine learning models for prediction of animal drug toxicityLaura-Jayne GardinerAnna Paola Carrieriet al.2020Scientific Reports
Interpreting machine learning models to investigate circadian regulation and facilitate exploration of clock functionLaura GardinerRachel Rusholme-Pilcheret al.2021PNAS
A framework for gene mapping in wheat demonstrated using the Yr7 yellow rust resistance geneLaura-Jayne GardinerPauline Bansept-Basleret al.2020PLoS ONE
Scalable in-memory paradigm for genomics data processingVadim ElisseevLaura Gardineret al.2022ISMB 2022
Re-purposing software for functional characterization of the microbiomeLaura-Jayne GardinerNiina Haiminenet al.2021Microbiome
Analysis of the recombination landscape of hexaploid bread wheat reveals genes controlling recombination and gene conversion frequencyLaura-Jayne GardinerLuzie U. Wingenet al.2019Genome Biology
AutoXAI4Omics: an automated explainable AI tool for omics and tabular dataJames StrudwickLaura-Jayne Gardineret al.2024Briefings in Bioinformatics