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10 results for
Richard A. Mushlin- Catherine Plaisant
- Daniel Heller
- et al.
- 1998
- CHI 1998
- Richard A. Mushlin
- Stephen Gallanger
- et al.
- 2009
- Richard A. Mushlin
- W. Nathaniel Mills
- 2001
- CMG 2001
- Brian Van Ness
- Christine Ramos
- et al.
- 2008
- BMC Medicine
- Richard A. Mushlin
- Aaron Kershenbaum
- et al.
- 2007
- IBM Systems Journal
- Barry Robson
- Richard Mushlin
- 2005
- Journal of Proteome Research
- Barry Robson
- Richard Mushlin
- 2004
- Journal of Proteome Research
- Barry Robson
- Richard Mushlin
- 2004
- Journal of Proteome Research
- Catherine Plaisant
- Ben Shneiderman
- et al.
- 1998
- Inf. Process. Manage.
- Houtan Aghili
- Richard A. Mushlin
- et al.
- 1997