Journal of Proteome Research

Genomic messaging system and DNA mark-up language for information-based personalized medicine with clinical and proteome research applications

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The convergence of clinical medicine and the Life Sciences, commencing with opportunities in clinical trials and clinically linked medical research, presents many novel challenges. The Genomic Messaging System (GMS) described here was originally developed as a tool for assembling clinical genomic records of individual and collective patients, and was then generalized to become a flexible workflow component that will link clinical records to a variety of computational biology research tools, for research and ultimately for a more personalized, focused, and preventative healthcare system. Prominent among the applications linked are protein science applications, including the rapid automated modeling of patient proteins with their individual structural polymorphisms. In an initial study, GMS formed the basis of a fully automated system for modeling patient proteins with structural polymorphisms as a basis for drug selection and ultimately design on an individual patient basis.



Journal of Proteome Research

