A Distributed and Privacy-Aware Speed Advisory System for Optimizing Conventional and Electric Vehicle NetworksMingming LiuRodrigo Ordonez-Hurtadoet al.2016IEEE T-ITS
On source-term parameter estimation for linear advection-diffusion equations with uncertain coefficientsSergiy ZhukTigran Tchrakianet al.2016SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
A Large-Scale SUMO-Based Emulation PlatformWynita M. GriggsRodrigo Ordonez-Hurtadoet al.2015IEEE T-ITS
Characterising discrete-time linear systems with the "mixed" positive real and bounded real propertyMatheus SouzaWynita M. Griggset al.2014European Journal of Control
On interconnected systems, passivity and some generalisationsRodrigo H. Ordóñez-HurtadoWynita M. Griggset al.2013International Journal of Control