Cognitive Systems Research

Understanding script-based stories using commonsense reasoning

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This paper investigates the use of commonsense reasoning to understand texts involving stereotypical activities or scripts. We present a system that understands news stories involving four terrorism scripts. The system (1) builds a commonsense reasoning problem given an information extraction template representing a terrorist incident, and (2) uses commonsense reasoning and a commonsense knowledge base to build a model of the terrorist incident. The reasoning problem, commonsense knowledge base, and model are expressed in the classical logic event calculus. The system was developed using the MUC3 and MUC4 development data set. We present the results of running the system on the MUC3 and MUC4 test data sets, using manually generated answer key templates and templates generated automatically by two MUC4 information extraction systems. We present a detailed analysis of the models produced by the system given automatically generated templates. We present methods for answering questions based on the models produced by our system. We assess the portability of the system by extending it to handle 10 scripts frequent in Project Gutenberg American literature texts. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Cognitive Systems Research


